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     "Auto racing is the number two spectator sport in this country and is second only to soccer in the world in paid attendance." "Auto racing is the fastest growing sport in this country and the world." I'm sure you have heard the aforementioned statistics before and have your own opinion why auto racing has reached its present status of prestige. It is apparent though, the growth of the sport must attest to the fact it has been a good source of entertainment for the spectator.

     To be successful on any level, the sport must continue to entertain. It is the promoter's job to see this is accomplished. Due to increased competition by other sources of entertainment, this job becomes more difficult each day. However, a promoter with an adequate knowledge about the spectator will be more successful in his efforts to entertain him.

     Although the numbers and proportions of spectators differ from one area to another, they will generally fall into one of three basic groups.

     If you procured a copy of this booklet, you are probably not a member of the sport's largest spectator segment, the infamous 'blood thirsty fans.' In this classification are those spectators who have not been educated to the finer points of the sport by the announcer, press, program or continued exposure to the sport. These spectators usually begin their trips to the races hoping to see mishaps. If they see them, they will have been entertained. Conversely, if they do not see any, they will not have been entertained as anticipated when they purchased their tickets. This segment comprises about one half of the spectators in the grandstands.

     I will refer to the second basic group of spectators as the "competitors fans.' This group includes the family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and anyone else who has an affiliation with a race car owner, driver, pit crew member or sponsor and attends the races due to that affiliation. These spectators usually comprise about twenty percent of the total number in the grandstand.

     Finally, there is a group of spectators who are truly sport fans." Usually evolving from the two prior groups, these spectators have become educated to the finer points of the sport or in some other way became more closely associated with it. These people are permanent followers of the sport, which they enjoy at more than face value. Approximately thirty percent of the people in the grandstands fit into this category.

     Obviously, auto racing's spectators are the backbone of the sport. They come in all ages and from all walks' of life, but will usually fit into one of the previously described groups. If these spectators are sufficiently entertained, auto racing will maintain prominence among sports.

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