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A Division of Posey & Co., Realtors

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1824 S. Fiske
Rockledge, FL
fax 631-2611

It's been said owning a racetrack is like owning a boat.  The two most enjoyable days of a track owner usually are the ones when he buys a track and when he sells it. But how do you know when the time is right? (Mentally check off those that apply.)

When the spectator count is down because it's too hot.

When the spectator count is down because it's too cold.

When the spectator count is down because it's too rainy.

When the spectator count is down because it's too nice out and they are doing other things.

When the spectator count is down because the car count is down.

When the car count is down because drivers and car owners are unhappy with the rules. (Of course they're unhappy with the condition of the track too.)

When the car count is down because drivers and car owners are unhappy about the purse. (Won't they ever stop bitching?)

When Advertising and Insurance rates have risen out of sight.

When required Taxes and Paperwork are overwhelming.

When there just aren't enough hours in a day for you to personally do everything that is necessary; your family is tired of the hassle; it's starting to effect your health; etc. It is time to seriously consider selling your track.

And when you get ready to sell your track, and sooner or later almost every track owner will, please remember to let us know as far in advance as possible.   Don't wait until the racing season has ended; the track has closed and you have to carry your track through another "off season". The best time to sell a track, for the highest possible price, is while it is operating. And the BEST and ONLY CONFIDENTIAL way we know to do that is through our specialized service!

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